The Cathlamet Hotel
I really am trying to be budget-minded with these trips, but it's always kind of fun to see what kind of hospitality and lodging is available in different parts of the state. So, with a day in Cowlitz County behind me, and a day in Wahkiakum ahead of me, I went ahead and stayed at the Cathlamet Hotel. It's tucked right on Main Street in town, and I am really looking forward to seeing that street when things are open sometime!There are art galleries, a Mexican Restaurant, a pub, and a cafe at the very least. The hotel itself nearly could have called itself an art gallery! My room was on the second floor, and you could find art throughout the hallways, tucked in corners, in the kitchen area, in the library. As I got cleaned up and settled in the night before, I made a point of taking it in. Why not just pretend that admission to an art gallery was part of the bill for the night?
Even so, it was reasonably priced for a weekend, my room was clean, and there were many options for breakfast the next morning.
Wahkiakum County
This is the smallest county in the state. Additionally, the northern half of the county is basically just a bunch of gated-off logging roads, meaning that most of the good birding is found along the Columbia, with a few productive river valleys reaching North of the highway, and some farmland sprinkled around to the South.
I have been very lucky to have spent time with birders in the county. It is easy to get to know a smaller county like the back of one's hand! Add to that some passion and skill, and there are almost always breadcrumbs to find on eBird to guide a person around the county. So, although I was going solo on this particular day, I had a fairly long list of birds I hoped to find.
Cathlamet Wastewater Treatment Plant
There'd been a recent report of a White-throated Sparrow here, so right down the road seemed like a fine place to start. There's a nice little loop trail that crosses over Birnie Creek and back, right as it empties into the Columbia. I'm going to freely admit here that I had birds that confused me *heavily* through the morning with their calls. . . European Starlings (Bird number 1 for the Wahkiakum year list - a number I'll keep in parentheses throughout these blog posts whenever I first see a bird).
I've heard starlings. I've heard them do a lot of varied calls, and I've heard them chattering in ways that are pretty familiar, including some familiar imitations. I've heard so many Killdeer calls from starlings, including many of them on this trip. But on this morning, they were doing an unfamiliar call as a flock, and repeating it. This was a pretty whistling call that a better birder than I confirmed the next day.
It makes me wonder if they've got a dialect? Or maybe I just haven't been listening to starlings at all over the last 15 years. It's fun when birds teach you things in the field, anyway.
This was otherwise a pretty ordinary stop. There's a lot of shrubby stuff along the creek, and it held quite a few sparrows, including Song Sparrows (2), Spotted Towhee (3), Golden-crowned Sparrow (4), Dark-eyed Junco (5), Fox Sparrow (6), and . . . not actually a sparrow, but we'll add it to the list, House Sparrow (7). No finches! This was a theme that carried out throughout the day. I *may* have seen some finches in flight, but on a kind of gray day watching at a distance through a car window, I was just left with none. A single Anna's Hummingbird (8) also used the brush as a safe resting spot.
American Crows (9) and Brewer's Blackbirds (10) disputed the ownership of some spilled grain in a parking lot. Other birds along the river (and in the Columbia itself) included Steller's Jay (11), Northern Flicker (12), Belted Kingfisher (13), Double-crested Cormorant (14), and Glaucous-winged Gull (15), as well as a nice mix of waterfowl: Gadwall (16), Mallard (17), Bufflehead (18), and both species of Scaup - Greater (19) and Lesser (20).
A V of Cackling Geese flew past the waterfront as I got back to my car. I hadn't gone far, when I stopped at a feeder right there in town. This was a well-stocked feeder and was visited by both Steller's and California Scrub-Jays (21), more of the same sparrows, and a half-dozen White-crowned Sparrows (22). Before I left, some American Robins (23) dropped in to visit as well.
Species number 24 was an American Kestrel on a wire as I went west on the highway.
Julia Butler Hansen - Steamboat Slough
It's a short drive up the road to Julia Butler Hansen Refuge. The 6000 acres have been set aside to protect the Columbian White-tailed Deer, which were only recently taken off of the endangered list. There is now a hunting season for them, albeit limited. The site is wonderful not just for the deer, but for a wide variety of wildlife, including birds, of course. It's hard to pin down exactly how many species have been found at the refuge; eBird has several different pinned hotspots there. But it's easy to say that it's over 200 species, because at least one of those hotspots is over that mark.
On this particular day, I started on Steamboat Slough - the road that runs along the southern edge of the refuge. Right at the opening, I stopped to try for some birds in the thick patch of conifers. The first fun sighting was actually a coyote making its way shyly away from the road. I listened in and heard birds that I'm used to hearing in my own backyard - Chestnut-backed Chickadees (24), Black-capped Chickadees (25), Golden-crowned Kinglets (26), and Pacific Wren (27).
I did have one unfamiliar chip note mixed in, and it turned out to be a bird that I encounter very infrequently in the winters - a Townsend's Warbler (28). Most of our warblers get out of town (out of state... out of country) for the winter months, but a few of these birds stick around. It was fun getting to see a splash of yellow this early in the year!
I continued along the road, and honestly it was at a crawl. Part of me wishes that I had just left the car and walked the whole thing, but I some good walking in by day's end. Just past that bunch of trees, the Elochoman. . .River? Slough? Actually, what's the di... hang on.
And yaknow. . . Wikipedia. Hm. I know that there are people who are scared to death of getting any information on there. I understand why. I guess over the years, I've gotten a feel for the *kinds* of things they might get wrong, and how much it might matter to be wrong on it. Sometimes I wonder if the entries are off due to people writing things with an agenda, or because they are writing about a complex topic, and missing the subtler points.
For now. I'll believe that this is indeed what a slough is, accepting full responsibility if this is actually written by river deniers. That said, I'm not seeing on the maps how the Elochoman Slough is a slough as it's defined there.
Common Mergansers in the Elochoman |
So back to the birds. I'm solving all of this by just calling it the Elochoman Whatever, and shortening that further to "The Elochoman". So just past this bunch of conifers at the opening is a little stretch of the Elochoman where I had Common Mergansers (29), Common Goldeneye (30), Downy Woodpecker (31), and a Belted Kingfisher (32) making a racket.
Things open up to the right of the road, and I had yet more waterfowl, including Cackling Goose, Canada Goose (33), American Coot (34), Gadwall (35), Buffleheads (36) and a Great Blue Heron (37).
Coots! |
Then I finally got my first of year Varied Thrushes (38). They were at a pretty good distance, 2-3 of them fluting/whistling from a tree. They're hands-down my favorite bird. From their spooky song to their cobalt-on-pumpkin coloring. Add to this the fact that they are birds that can be found throughout the state, and throughout few other states. They're kind of our state bird. The kids who voted for the American Goldfinch got this one wrong, I think!
I should add this to Wikipedia, really. . .
Bewick's Wren (39), Dark-eyed Junco, and Song Sparrow were among other birds seen early and often along the road.
Things became much more watery as I continued. Ducks to the left of me (adding American Wigeon (40), Hooded Merganser (41), Northern Shoveler (42), and Ring-necked Duck (43)), and sparrows to the right (adding Fox Sparrow to this trip list).
At several points, the fields opened up a bit more to the right, and I had opportunities to pick through hundreds of Cackling Geese, looking for a Greater White-fronted or Snow Goose. Spoiler alert - I found none through the entire weekend! There had been a few sightings here and there, but I missed them all. I also had a heard-only Red-shouldered Hawk (44) along the way. While it would have been nice to see it, as I did the day before, I was thankful to have recently heard their calls, allowing me to pick them out. A Red-tailed Hawk (45) was also found on this stretch, as well as Common Ravens (46), and some calling Virginia Rails (47).
White-tail Trail
Finally, some walking! I got out of the car and followed this trail to its completion and back. This was a *great* bit of birding! The swans were the highlight, with both Tundra (48), and Trumpeter Swans (49) on the pond/swamp/water thing.
Tundra Swans |
Trumpeter Swans |
I'll admit, these species are two I often differentiate by calls. Although that was helpful, I was happy to have spent more time working on field marks for them, making it a little easier to get an idea for the numbers of each species. At least one Canvasback (50) was mixed in with the swans, and a Northern Harrier (51) was on patrol as well.
Birds kept rolling in as I walked: Marsh Wren (52), Bald Eagle (53), Hairy Woodpecker (54), Black Phoebe (55), Northern Pintail (56), and a Great Egret (57).
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Flooded field in the Gray's River Valley |
Grays River antics - courtesy of the eBird hotspot map |
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Skamokawa Vista Park |
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across the bridge to Puget Island |
Day two complete! |
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